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Represents a 3D path made up of multiple 3D points




  • Path3D



  • new Path3D(path, normal, raw) Creates a Path3D. A Path3D is a logical math object, so not a mesh. please read the description in the tutorial : https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_path3d


    • path: Vector3[]

      an array of Vector3, the curve axis of the Path3D

    • Optional firstNormal: Nullable<Vector3>

      (options) Vector3, the first wanted normal to the curve. Ex (0, 1, 0) for a vertical normal.

    • Optional raw: boolean

      (optional, default false) : boolean, if true the returned Path3D isn't normalized. Useful to depict path acceleration or speed.

    • Optional alignTangentsWithPath: boolean

      (optional, default false) : boolean, if true the tangents will be aligned with the path.

    Returns Path3D


path: Vector3[]

an array of Vector3, the curve axis of the Path3D


  • getBinormalAt(position: number, interpolated?: boolean): Vector3
  • Returns the binormal vector of an interpolated Path3D curve point at the specified position along this path.


    • position: number

      the position of the point along this path, from 0.0 to 1.0

    • Optional interpolated: boolean

      (optional, default false) : boolean, if true returns an interpolated binormal instead of the binormal of the previous path point.

    Returns Vector3

    a binormal vector corresponding to the interpolated Path3D curve point, if not interpolated, the binormal is taken from the precomputed binormals array.

  • Returns an array populated with binormal vectors on each Path3D curve point.

    Returns Vector3[]

    an array populated with binormal vectors on each Path3D curve point.

  • getClosestPositionTo(target: Vector3): number
  • Returns the position of the closest virtual point on this path to an arbitrary Vector3, from 0.0 to 1.0


    • target: Vector3

      the vector of which to get the closest position to

    Returns number

    the position of the closest virtual point on this path to the target vector

  • Returns the Path3D array of successive Vector3 designing its curve.

    Returns Vector3[]

    the Path3D array of successive Vector3 designing its curve.

  • getDistanceAt(position: number): number
  • Returns the distance (float) of an interpolated Path3D curve point at the specified position along this path.


    • position: number

      the position of the point along this path, from 0.0 to 1.0

    Returns number

    the distance of the interpolated Path3D curve point at the specified position along this path.

  • getDistances(): number[]
  • Returns an array populated with distances (float) of the i-th point from the first curve point.

    Returns number[]

    an array populated with distances (float) of the i-th point from the first curve point.

  • getNormalAt(position: number, interpolated?: boolean): Vector3
  • Returns the tangent vector of an interpolated Path3D curve point at the specified position along this path.


    • position: number

      the position of the point along this path, from 0.0 to 1.0

    • Optional interpolated: boolean

      (optional, default false) : boolean, if true returns an interpolated normal instead of the normal of the previous path point.

    Returns Vector3

    a normal vector corresponding to the interpolated Path3D curve point, if not interpolated, the normal is taken from the precomputed normals array.

  • Returns an array populated with normal vectors on each Path3D curve point.

    Returns Vector3[]

    an array populated with normal vectors on each Path3D curve point.

  • getPointAt(position: number): Vector3
  • Returns an interpolated point along this path


    • position: number

      the position of the point along this path, from 0.0 to 1.0

    Returns Vector3

    a new Vector3 as the point

  • Returns the Path3D array of successive Vector3 designing its curve.

    Returns Vector3[]

    the Path3D array of successive Vector3 designing its curve.

  • getPreviousPointIndexAt(position: number): number
  • Returns the array index of the previous point of an interpolated point along this path


    • position: number

      the position of the point to interpolate along this path, from 0.0 to 1.0

    Returns number

    the array index

  • getSubPositionAt(position: number): number
  • Returns the position of an interpolated point relative to the two path points it lies between, from 0.0 (point A) to 1.0 (point B)


    • position: number

      the position of the point to interpolate along this path, from 0.0 to 1.0

    Returns number

    the sub position

  • getTangentAt(position: number, interpolated?: boolean): Vector3
  • Returns the tangent vector of an interpolated Path3D curve point at the specified position along this path.


    • position: number

      the position of the point along this path, from 0.0 to 1.0

    • Optional interpolated: boolean

      (optional, default false) : boolean, if true returns an interpolated tangent instead of the tangent of the previous path point.

    Returns Vector3

    a tangent vector corresponding to the interpolated Path3D curve point, if not interpolated, the tangent is taken from the precomputed tangents array.

  • Returns an array populated with tangent vectors on each Path3D curve point.

    Returns Vector3[]

    an array populated with tangent vectors on each Path3D curve point.

  • length(): number
  • Returns number

    the computed length (float) of the path.

  • slice(start?: number, end?: number): Path3D
  • Returns a sub path (slice) of this path


    • Optional start: number

      the position of the fist path point, from 0.0 to 1.0, or a negative value, which will get wrapped around from the end of the path to 0.0 to 1.0 values

    • Optional end: number

      the position of the last path point, from 0.0 to 1.0, or a negative value, which will get wrapped around from the end of the path to 0.0 to 1.0 values

    Returns Path3D

    a sub path (slice) of this path

  • Forces the Path3D tangent, normal, binormal and distance recomputation.


    • path: Vector3[]

      path which all values are copied into the curves points

    • Optional firstNormal: Nullable<Vector3>

      which should be projected onto the curve

    • Optional alignTangentsWithPath: boolean

      (optional, default false) : boolean, if true the tangents will be aligned with the path

    Returns Path3D

    the same object updated.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

