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Class used to store matrix data (4x4)


  • Matrix







  • Creates an empty matrix (filled with zeros)

    Returns Matrix


updateFlag: number

Gets the update flag of the matrix which is an unique number for the matrix. It will be incremented every time the matrix data change. You can use it to speed the comparison between two versions of the same matrix.


  • Gets the internal data of the matrix

    Returns DeepImmutableArray<number> | DeepImmutableObject<Float32Array>

  • Gets an identity matrix that must not be updated

    Returns DeepImmutableObject<Matrix>

  • get Use64Bits(): boolean
  • Gets the precision of matrix computations

    Returns boolean


  • Adds the current matrix with a second one


    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix as the addition of the current matrix and the given one

  • addAtIndex(index: number, value: number): Matrix
  • add a value at the specified position in the current Matrix


    • index: number

      the index of the value within the matrix. between 0 and 15.

    • value: number

      the value to be added

    Returns Matrix

    the current updated matrix

  • Sets the given matrix "result" to the addition of the current matrix and the given one


    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Adds in place the given matrix to the current matrix


    Returns Matrix

    the current updated matrix

  • addTranslationFromFloats(x: number, y: number, z: number): Matrix
  • Adds the translation vector (using 3 floats) in the current matrix


    • x: number

      defines the 1st component of the translation

    • y: number

      defines the 2nd component of the translation

    • z: number

      defines the 3rd component of the translation

    Returns Matrix

    the current updated matrix

Returns the matrix as a Float32Array or Array

Returns DeepImmutableArray<number> | DeepImmutableObject<Float32Array>

the matrix underlying array.

  • Clone the current matrix

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix from the current matrix

  • Copy the current matrix from the given one


    Returns Matrix

    the current updated matrix

  • copyToArray(array: number[] | Float32Array, offset?: number): Matrix
  • Populates the given array from the starting index with the current matrix values


    • array: number[] | Float32Array

      defines the target array

    • Optional offset: number

      defines the offset in the target array where to start storing values

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Decomposes the current Matrix into a translation, rotation and scaling components


    • Optional scale: Vector3

      defines the scale vector3 given as a reference to update

    • Optional rotation: Quaternion

      defines the rotation quaternion given as a reference to update

    • Optional translation: Vector3

      defines the translation vector3 given as a reference to update

    • Optional preserveScalingNode: TransformNode

      Use scaling sign coming from this node. Otherwise scaling sign might change.

    Returns boolean

    true if operation was successful

  • Decomposes the current Matrix into a translation, rotation and scaling components of the provided node


    Returns boolean

    true if operation was successful

  • determinant(): number
  • Gets the determinant of the matrix

    Returns number

    the matrix determinant

  • Check equality between this matrix and a second one


    Returns boolean

    true is the current matrix and the given one values are strictly equal

  • getClassName(): string
  • Returns the name of the current matrix class

    Returns string

    the string "Matrix"

  • getHashCode(): number
  • Gets the hash code of the current matrix

    Returns number

    the hash code

  • Gets only rotation part of the current matrix

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix sets to the extracted rotation matrix from the current one

  • Extracts the rotation matrix from the current one and sets it as the given "result"


    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix to store data to

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Gets specific row of the matrix


    • index: number

      defines the number of the row to get

    Returns Nullable<Vector4>

    the index-th row of the current matrix as a new Vector4

  • Gets specific row of the matrix to ref


    • index: number

      defines the number of the row to get

    • rowVector: Vector4

      vector to store the index-th row of the current matrix

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Gets the translation value of the current matrix

    Returns Vector3

    a new Vector3 as the extracted translation from the matrix

  • Fill a Vector3 with the extracted translation from the matrix


    • result: Vector3

      defines the Vector3 where to store the translation

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Inverts the current matrix in place

    Returns Matrix

    the current inverted matrix

  • Sets the given matrix to the current inverted Matrix


    • other: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns Matrix

    the unmodified current matrix

  • isIdentity(): boolean
  • Check if the current matrix is identity

    Returns boolean

    true is the matrix is the identity matrix

  • isIdentityAs3x2(): boolean
  • Check if the current matrix is identity as a texture matrix (3x2 store in 4x4)

    Returns boolean

    true is the matrix is the identity matrix

  • markAsUpdated(): void
  • Update the updateFlag to indicate that the matrix has been updated

    Returns void

  • Multiply two matrices


    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix set with the multiplication result of the current Matrix and the given one

  • multiplyAtIndex(index: number, value: number): Matrix
  • mutiply the specified position in the current Matrix by a value


    • index: number

      the index of the value within the matrix. between 0 and 15.

    • value: number

      the value to be added

    Returns Matrix

    the current updated matrix

  • Sets the Float32Array "result" from the given index "offset" with the multiplication of the current matrix and the given one


    • other: DeepImmutableObject<Matrix>

      defines the second operand

    • result: number[] | Float32Array

      defines the array where to store the multiplication

    • offset: number

      defines the offset in the target array where to start storing values

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Sets the given matrix "result" with the multiplication result of the current Matrix and the given one


    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • removeRotationAndScaling(): Matrix
  • Remove rotation and scaling part from the matrix

    Returns Matrix

    the updated matrix

  • Sets all the matrix elements to zero

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Compute a new matrix set with the current matrix values multiplied by scale (float)


    • scale: number

      defines the scale factor

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix

  • Scale the current matrix values by a factor and add the result to a given matrix


    • scale: number

      defines the scale factor

    • result: Matrix

      defines the Matrix to store the result

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Scale the current matrix values by a factor to a given result matrix


    • scale: number

      defines the scale factor

    • result: Matrix

      defines the matrix to store the result

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Sets the index-th row of the current matrix to the vector4 values


    • index: number

      defines the number of the row to set

    • row: Vector4

      defines the target vector4

    Returns Matrix

    the updated current matrix

  • setRowFromFloats(index: number, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): Matrix
  • Sets the index-th row of the current matrix with the given 4 x float values


    • index: number

      defines the row index

    • x: number

      defines the x component to set

    • y: number

      defines the y component to set

    • z: number

      defines the z component to set

    • w: number

      defines the w component to set

    Returns Matrix

    the updated current matrix

  • Inserts the translation vector in the current matrix


    Returns Matrix

    the current updated matrix

  • setTranslationFromFloats(x: number, y: number, z: number): Matrix
  • Inserts the translation vector (using 3 floats) in the current matrix


    • x: number

      defines the 1st component of the translation

    • y: number

      defines the 2nd component of the translation

    • z: number

      defines the 3rd component of the translation

    Returns Matrix

    the current updated matrix

Returns the matrix as a Float32Array or Array

Returns DeepImmutableArray<number> | DeepImmutableObject<Float32Array>

the matrix underlying array

  • toNormalMatrix(ref: Matrix): void
  • Writes to the given matrix a normal matrix, computed from this one (using values from identity matrix for fourth row and column).


    • ref: Matrix

      matrix to store the result

    Returns void

  • toggleModelMatrixHandInPlace(): void
  • Toggles model matrix from being right handed to left handed in place and vice versa

    Returns void

  • toggleProjectionMatrixHandInPlace(): void
  • Toggles projection matrix from being right handed to left handed in place and vice versa

    Returns void

  • Compute the transpose of the matrix

    Returns Matrix

    the new transposed matrix

  • Compute the transpose of the matrix and store it in a given matrix


    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns Matrix

    the current matrix

  • Builds a new matrix whose values are computed by:

    • decomposing the the "startValue" and "endValue" matrices into their respective scale, rotation and translation matrices
    • interpolating for "gradient" (float) the values between each of these decomposed matrices between the start and the end
    • recomposing a new matrix from these 3 interpolated scale, rotation and translation matrices


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Update a matrix to values which are computed by:

    • decomposing the the "startValue" and "endValue" matrices into their respective scale, rotation and translation matrices
    • interpolating for "gradient" (float) the values between each of these decomposed matrices between the start and the end
    • recomposing a new matrix from these 3 interpolated scale, rotation and translation matrices


    Returns void

  • Creates a matrix from an array


    • array: DeepImmutableObject<ArrayLike<number>>

      defines the source array

    • Optional offset: number

      defines an offset in the source array

    Returns Matrix

    a new Matrix set from the starting index of the given array

  • Copy the content of an array into a given matrix


    • array: DeepImmutableObject<ArrayLike<number>>

      defines the source array

    • offset: number

      defines an offset in the source array

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled(array: DeepImmutableArray<number> | DeepImmutableObject<Float32Array>, offset: number, scale: number, result: Matrix): void
  • Stores an array into a matrix after having multiplied each component by a given factor


    • array: DeepImmutableArray<number> | DeepImmutableObject<Float32Array>

      defines the source array

    • offset: number

      defines the offset in the source array

    • scale: number

      defines the scaling factor

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • Creates a rotation matrix from a quaternion and stores it in a target matrix


    Returns void

  • FromValues(initialM11: number, initialM12: number, initialM13: number, initialM14: number, initialM21: number, initialM22: number, initialM23: number, initialM24: number, initialM31: number, initialM32: number, initialM33: number, initialM34: number, initialM41: number, initialM42: number, initialM43: number, initialM44: number): Matrix
  • Creates new matrix from a list of values (16)


    • initialM11: number

      defines 1st value of 1st row

    • initialM12: number

      defines 2nd value of 1st row

    • initialM13: number

      defines 3rd value of 1st row

    • initialM14: number

      defines 4th value of 1st row

    • initialM21: number

      defines 1st value of 2nd row

    • initialM22: number

      defines 2nd value of 2nd row

    • initialM23: number

      defines 3rd value of 2nd row

    • initialM24: number

      defines 4th value of 2nd row

    • initialM31: number

      defines 1st value of 3rd row

    • initialM32: number

      defines 2nd value of 3rd row

    • initialM33: number

      defines 3rd value of 3rd row

    • initialM34: number

      defines 4th value of 3rd row

    • initialM41: number

      defines 1st value of 4th row

    • initialM42: number

      defines 2nd value of 4th row

    • initialM43: number

      defines 3rd value of 4th row

    • initialM44: number

      defines 4th value of 4th row

    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • FromValuesToRef(initialM11: number, initialM12: number, initialM13: number, initialM14: number, initialM21: number, initialM22: number, initialM23: number, initialM24: number, initialM31: number, initialM32: number, initialM33: number, initialM34: number, initialM41: number, initialM42: number, initialM43: number, initialM44: number, result: Matrix): void
  • Stores a list of values (16) inside a given matrix


    • initialM11: number

      defines 1st value of 1st row

    • initialM12: number

      defines 2nd value of 1st row

    • initialM13: number

      defines 3rd value of 1st row

    • initialM14: number

      defines 4th value of 1st row

    • initialM21: number

      defines 1st value of 2nd row

    • initialM22: number

      defines 2nd value of 2nd row

    • initialM23: number

      defines 3rd value of 2nd row

    • initialM24: number

      defines 4th value of 2nd row

    • initialM31: number

      defines 1st value of 3rd row

    • initialM32: number

      defines 2nd value of 3rd row

    • initialM33: number

      defines 3rd value of 3rd row

    • initialM34: number

      defines 4th value of 3rd row

    • initialM41: number

      defines 1st value of 4th row

    • initialM42: number

      defines 2nd value of 4th row

    • initialM43: number

      defines 3rd value of 4th row

    • initialM44: number

      defines 4th value of 4th row

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • Extracts a 2x2 matrix from a given matrix and store the result in a Float32Array


    Returns number[] | Float32Array

    a new Float32Array array with 4 elements : the 2x2 matrix extracted from the given matrix

  • Extracts a 3x3 matrix from a given matrix and store the result in a Float32Array


    Returns number[] | Float32Array

    a new Float32Array array with 9 elements : the 3x3 matrix extracted from the given matrix

  • Creates a new identity matrix

    Returns Matrix

    a new identity matrix

  • IdentityToRef(result: Matrix): void
  • Creates a new identity matrix and stores the result in a given matrix


    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • Creates a new matrix as the invert of a given matrix


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Returns a new Matrix whose values are the interpolated values for "gradient" (float) between the ones of the matrices "startValue" and "endValue".


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Set the given matrix "result" as the interpolated values for "gradient" (float) between the ones of the matrices "startValue" and "endValue".


    Returns void

  • Gets a new rotation matrix used to rotate an entity so as it looks at the target vector3, from the eye vector3 position, the up vector3 being oriented like "up" This function works in left handed mode


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Sets the given "result" Matrix to a rotation matrix used to rotate an entity so that it looks at the target vector3, from the eye vector3 position, the up vector3 being oriented like "up". This function works in left handed mode


    Returns void

  • Gets a new rotation matrix used to rotate an entity so as it looks at the target vector3, from the eye vector3 position, the up vector3 being oriented like "up" This function works in right handed mode


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Sets the given "result" Matrix to a rotation matrix used to rotate an entity so that it looks at the target vector3, from the eye vector3 position, the up vector3 being oriented like "up". This function works in right handed mode


    Returns void

  • Gets a new rotation matrix used to rotate an entity so as it looks in the direction specified by forward from the eye position, the up direction being oriented like "up". This function works in left handed mode


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Sets the given "result" Matrix to a rotation matrix used to rotate an entity so that it looks in the direction of forward, the up direction being oriented like "up". This function works in left handed mode


    Returns void

  • Gets a new rotation matrix used to rotate an entity so as it looks in the direction specified by forward from the eye position, the up Vector3 being oriented like "up". This function works in right handed mode


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Sets the given "result" Matrix to a rotation matrix used to rotate an entity so that it looks in the direction of forward, the up vector3 being oriented like "up". This function works in right handed mode


    Returns void

  • OrthoLH(width: number, height: number, znear: number, zfar: number, halfZRange?: boolean): Matrix
  • Create a left-handed orthographic projection matrix


    • width: number

      defines the viewport width

    • height: number

      defines the viewport height

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix as a left-handed orthographic projection matrix

  • OrthoLHToRef(width: number, height: number, znear: number, zfar: number, result: Matrix, halfZRange?: boolean): void
  • Store a left-handed orthographic projection to a given matrix


    • width: number

      defines the viewport width

    • height: number

      defines the viewport height

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    Returns void

  • OrthoOffCenterLH(left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number, znear: number, zfar: number, halfZRange?: boolean): Matrix
  • Create a left-handed orthographic projection matrix


    • left: number

      defines the viewport left coordinate

    • right: number

      defines the viewport right coordinate

    • bottom: number

      defines the viewport bottom coordinate

    • top: number

      defines the viewport top coordinate

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix as a left-handed orthographic projection matrix

  • OrthoOffCenterLHToRef(left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number, znear: number, zfar: number, result: Matrix, halfZRange?: boolean): void
  • Stores a left-handed orthographic projection into a given matrix


    • left: number

      defines the viewport left coordinate

    • right: number

      defines the viewport right coordinate

    • bottom: number

      defines the viewport bottom coordinate

    • top: number

      defines the viewport top coordinate

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    Returns void

  • OrthoOffCenterRH(left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number, znear: number, zfar: number, halfZRange?: boolean): Matrix
  • Creates a right-handed orthographic projection matrix


    • left: number

      defines the viewport left coordinate

    • right: number

      defines the viewport right coordinate

    • bottom: number

      defines the viewport bottom coordinate

    • top: number

      defines the viewport top coordinate

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix as a right-handed orthographic projection matrix

  • OrthoOffCenterRHToRef(left: number, right: number, bottom: number, top: number, znear: number, zfar: number, result: Matrix, halfZRange?: boolean): void
  • Stores a right-handed orthographic projection into a given matrix


    • left: number

      defines the viewport left coordinate

    • right: number

      defines the viewport right coordinate

    • bottom: number

      defines the viewport bottom coordinate

    • top: number

      defines the viewport top coordinate

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    Returns void

  • PerspectiveFovLH(fov: number, aspect: number, znear: number, zfar: number, halfZRange?: boolean, projectionPlaneTilt?: number, reverseDepthBufferMode?: boolean): Matrix
  • Creates a left-handed perspective projection matrix


    • fov: number

      defines the horizontal field of view

    • aspect: number

      defines the aspect ratio

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane. If 0, assume we are in "infinite zfar" mode

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    • Optional projectionPlaneTilt: number

      optional tilt angle of the projection plane around the X axis (horizontal)

    • Optional reverseDepthBufferMode: boolean

      true to indicate that we are in a reverse depth buffer mode (meaning znear and zfar have been inverted when calling the function)

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix as a left-handed perspective projection matrix

  • PerspectiveFovLHToRef(fov: number, aspect: number, znear: number, zfar: number, result: Matrix, isVerticalFovFixed?: boolean, halfZRange?: boolean, projectionPlaneTilt?: number, reverseDepthBufferMode?: boolean): void
  • Stores a left-handed perspective projection into a given matrix


    • fov: number

      defines the horizontal field of view

    • aspect: number

      defines the aspect ratio

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane. If 0, assume we are in "infinite zfar" mode

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    • Optional isVerticalFovFixed: boolean

      defines it the fov is vertically fixed (default) or horizontally

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    • Optional projectionPlaneTilt: number

      optional tilt angle of the projection plane around the X axis (horizontal)

    • Optional reverseDepthBufferMode: boolean

      true to indicate that we are in a reverse depth buffer mode (meaning znear and zfar have been inverted when calling the function)

    Returns void

  • PerspectiveFovRH(fov: number, aspect: number, znear: number, zfar: number, halfZRange?: boolean, projectionPlaneTilt?: number, reverseDepthBufferMode?: boolean): Matrix
  • Creates a right-handed perspective projection matrix


    • fov: number

      defines the horizontal field of view

    • aspect: number

      defines the aspect ratio

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane. If 0, assume we are in "infinite zfar" mode

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    • Optional projectionPlaneTilt: number

      optional tilt angle of the projection plane around the X axis (horizontal)

    • Optional reverseDepthBufferMode: boolean

      true to indicate that we are in a reverse depth buffer mode (meaning znear and zfar have been inverted when calling the function)

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix as a right-handed perspective projection matrix

  • PerspectiveFovRHToRef(fov: number, aspect: number, znear: number, zfar: number, result: Matrix, isVerticalFovFixed?: boolean, halfZRange?: boolean, projectionPlaneTilt?: number, reverseDepthBufferMode?: boolean): void
  • Stores a right-handed perspective projection into a given matrix


    • fov: number

      defines the horizontal field of view

    • aspect: number

      defines the aspect ratio

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane. If 0, assume we are in "infinite zfar" mode

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    • Optional isVerticalFovFixed: boolean

      defines it the fov is vertically fixed (default) or horizontally

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    • Optional projectionPlaneTilt: number

      optional tilt angle of the projection plane around the X axis (horizontal)

    • Optional reverseDepthBufferMode: boolean

      true to indicate that we are in a reverse depth buffer mode (meaning znear and zfar have been inverted when calling the function)

    Returns void

  • PerspectiveFovReverseLHToRef(fov: number, aspect: number, znear: number, zfar: number, result: Matrix, isVerticalFovFixed?: boolean, halfZRange?: boolean, projectionPlaneTilt?: number): void
  • Stores a left-handed perspective projection into a given matrix with depth reversed


    • fov: number

      defines the horizontal field of view

    • aspect: number

      defines the aspect ratio

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      not used as infinity is used as far clip

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    • Optional isVerticalFovFixed: boolean

      defines it the fov is vertically fixed (default) or horizontally

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    • Optional projectionPlaneTilt: number

      optional tilt angle of the projection plane around the X axis (horizontal)

    Returns void

  • PerspectiveFovReverseRHToRef(fov: number, aspect: number, znear: number, zfar: number, result: Matrix, isVerticalFovFixed?: boolean, halfZRange?: boolean, projectionPlaneTilt?: number): void
  • Stores a right-handed perspective projection into a given matrix


    • fov: number

      defines the horizontal field of view

    • aspect: number

      defines the aspect ratio

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      not used as infinity is used as far clip

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    • Optional isVerticalFovFixed: boolean

      defines it the fov is vertically fixed (default) or horizontally

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    • Optional projectionPlaneTilt: number

      optional tilt angle of the projection plane around the X axis (horizontal)

    Returns void

  • PerspectiveFovWebVRToRef(fov: { downDegrees: number; leftDegrees: number; rightDegrees: number; upDegrees: number }, znear: number, zfar: number, result: Matrix, rightHanded?: boolean, halfZRange?: boolean, projectionPlaneTilt?: number): void
  • Stores a perspective projection for WebVR info a given matrix


    • fov: { downDegrees: number; leftDegrees: number; rightDegrees: number; upDegrees: number }

      defines the field of view

      • downDegrees: number
      • leftDegrees: number
      • rightDegrees: number
      • upDegrees: number
    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    • Optional rightHanded: boolean

      defines if the matrix must be in right-handed mode (false by default)

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    • Optional projectionPlaneTilt: number

      optional tilt angle of the projection plane around the X axis (horizontal)

    Returns void

  • PerspectiveLH(width: number, height: number, znear: number, zfar: number, halfZRange?: boolean, projectionPlaneTilt?: number): Matrix
  • Creates a left-handed perspective projection matrix


    • width: number

      defines the viewport width

    • height: number

      defines the viewport height

    • znear: number

      defines the near clip plane

    • zfar: number

      defines the far clip plane

    • Optional halfZRange: boolean

      true to generate NDC coordinates between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1 (default: false)

    • Optional projectionPlaneTilt: number

      optional tilt angle of the projection plane around the X axis (horizontal)

    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix as a left-handed perspective projection matrix

  • Computes a reflection matrix from a plane


    Returns Matrix

    a new matrix

  • Computes a reflection matrix from a plane


    Returns void

  • Creates a new rotation matrix for "angle" radians around the given axis


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Creates a new rotation matrix for "angle" radians around the given axis and stores it in a given matrix


    Returns void

  • RotationX(angle: number): Matrix
  • Creates a new rotation matrix for "angle" radians around the X axis


    • angle: number

      defines the angle (in radians) to use

    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • RotationXToRef(angle: number, result: Matrix): void
  • Creates a new rotation matrix for "angle" radians around the X axis and stores it in a given matrix


    • angle: number

      defines the angle (in radians) to use

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • RotationY(angle: number): Matrix
  • Creates a new rotation matrix for "angle" radians around the Y axis


    • angle: number

      defines the angle (in radians) to use

    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • RotationYToRef(angle: number, result: Matrix): void
  • Creates a new rotation matrix for "angle" radians around the Y axis and stores it in a given matrix


    • angle: number

      defines the angle (in radians) to use

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • RotationYawPitchRoll(yaw: number, pitch: number, roll: number): Matrix
  • Creates a rotation matrix


    • yaw: number

      defines the yaw angle in radians (Y axis)

    • pitch: number

      defines the pitch angle in radians (X axis)

    • roll: number

      defines the roll angle in radians (Z axis)

    Returns Matrix

    the new rotation matrix

  • RotationYawPitchRollToRef(yaw: number, pitch: number, roll: number, result: Matrix): void
  • Creates a rotation matrix and stores it in a given matrix


    • yaw: number

      defines the yaw angle in radians (Y axis)

    • pitch: number

      defines the pitch angle in radians (X axis)

    • roll: number

      defines the roll angle in radians (Z axis)

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • RotationZ(angle: number): Matrix
  • Creates a new rotation matrix for "angle" radians around the Z axis


    • angle: number

      defines the angle (in radians) to use

    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • RotationZToRef(angle: number, result: Matrix): void
  • Creates a new rotation matrix for "angle" radians around the Z axis and stores it in a given matrix


    • angle: number

      defines the angle (in radians) to use

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • Scaling(x: number, y: number, z: number): Matrix
  • Creates a scaling matrix


    • x: number

      defines the scale factor on X axis

    • y: number

      defines the scale factor on Y axis

    • z: number

      defines the scale factor on Z axis

    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • ScalingToRef(x: number, y: number, z: number, result: Matrix): void
  • Creates a scaling matrix and stores it in a given matrix


    • x: number

      defines the scale factor on X axis

    • y: number

      defines the scale factor on Y axis

    • z: number

      defines the scale factor on Z axis

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • Translation(x: number, y: number, z: number): Matrix
  • Creates a translation matrix


    • x: number

      defines the translation on X axis

    • y: number

      defines the translation on Y axis

    • z: number

      defines the translationon Z axis

    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • TranslationToRef(x: number, y: number, z: number, result: Matrix): void
  • Creates a translation matrix and stores it in a given matrix


    • x: number

      defines the translation on X axis

    • y: number

      defines the translation on Y axis

    • z: number

      defines the translationon Z axis

    • result: Matrix

      defines the target matrix

    Returns void

  • Compute the transpose of a given matrix


    Returns Matrix

    the new matrix

  • Compute the transpose of a matrix and store it in a target matrix


    Returns void

  • Creates a new zero matrix

    Returns Matrix

    a new zero matrix


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

