  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Default Inputs manager for the FreeCamera. It groups all the default supported inputs for ease of use.







Defines the list of inputs attached to the camera.

attachedToElement: boolean

Defines the dom element the camera is collecting inputs from. This is null if the controls have not been attached.

camera: FreeCamera

Defined the camera the input manager belongs to.

checkInputs: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Update the current camera state depending on the inputs that have been used this frame. This is a dynamically created lambda to avoid the performance penalty of looping for inputs in the render loop.

      Returns void

noPreventDefault: boolean

Defines whether event caught by the controls should call preventdefault() (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/preventDefault)


  • Add orientation input support to the input manager.


    • Optional smoothFactor: number

      deviceOrientation smoothing. 0: no smoothing, 1: new data ignored, 0.9 recommended for smoothing

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the current input manager

  • Adds gamepad input support to the FreeCameraInputsManager.

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the FreeCameraInputsManager

  • Add keyboard input support to the input manager.

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the current input manager

  • Add mouse input support to the input manager.


    • Optional touchEnabled: boolean

      if the FreeCameraMouseInput should support touch (default: true)

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the current input manager

  • Add mouse wheel input support to the input manager.

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the current input manager

  • Add touch input support to the input manager.

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the current input manager

  • Add virtual joystick input support to the input manager.

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the current input manager

  • attachElement(noPreventDefault?: boolean): void
  • Attach the input controls to the currently attached dom element to listen the events from.


    Returns void

  • clear(): void
  • Remove all attached input methods from a camera

    Returns void

  • detachElement(disconnect?: boolean): void
  • Detach the current manager inputs controls from a specific dom element.


    • Optional disconnect: boolean

      Defines whether the input should be removed from the current list of attached inputs

    Returns void

  • parse(parsedCamera: any): void
  • Parses an input manager serialized JSON to restore the previous list of inputs and states associated to a camera.


    • parsedCamera: any

      Defines the JSON to parse

    Returns void

  • rebuildInputCheck(): void
  • Rebuild the dynamic inputCheck function from the current list of defined inputs in the manager.

    Returns void

  • Remove a specific input method from a camera example: camera.inputs.remove(camera.inputs.attached.mouse);


    Returns void

  • removeByType(inputType: string): void
  • Remove a specific input type from a camera example: camera.inputs.remove("ArcRotateCameraGamepadInput");


    • inputType: string

      the type of the input to remove

    Returns void

  • Removes the mouse input support from the manager

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the current input manager

  • Removes the mouse wheel input support from the manager

    Returns FreeCameraInputsManager

    the current input manager

  • serialize(serializedCamera: any): void
  • Serialize the current input manager attached to a camera. This ensures than once parsed, the input associated to the camera will be identical to the current ones


    • serializedCamera: any

      Defines the camera serialization JSON the input serialization should write to

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

