Create a Procedural Texture for the Procedural Textures Library

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a procedural texture for the procedural textures library

Setting up environment

First of all, you need to create a folder for your shader in the /proceduralTexturesLibrary/src folder. Let's call it cloudBis.

Then you need to create your files:

  • babylon.cloudBisProceduralTexture.ts (just copy/paste from babylon.woodProceduralTexture.ts )
  • cloudBisProceduralTexture.fragment.fx (just copy/paste from woodProceduralTexture.fragment.fx )

To integrate your new procedural texture to the build process, you have to edit the config.json file in the tools/gulp folder and add an entry in the "proceduralTextureLibrary/libraries" section of the file:

"libraries": [
"output": "babylon.brickProceduralTexture.min.js",
"entry": "./legacy/legacy-brick.ts",
"preventLoadLibrary": true

To build all the procedural textures and generate the dist folder, just run from the tools/gulp folder:

gulp proceduralTextureLibrary

Update the shaders

Open the cloudBisProceduralTexture.fragment.fx file. The shader is composed of 3 parts:

  • The variables and uniforms definition
precision highp float;
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform vec4 skyColor;
uniform vec4 cloudColor;
  • All the functions you need (here rand, noise and fbm)
float rand(vec2 n) {
return fract(cos(dot(n, vec2(12.9898, 4.1414))) * 43758.5453);
float noise(vec2 n) {
const vec2 d = vec2(0.0, 1.0);
vec2 b = floor(n), f = smoothstep(vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0), fract(n));
return mix(mix(rand(b), rand(b + d.yx), f.x), mix(rand(b + d.xy), rand(b + d.yy), f.x), f.y);
float fbm(vec2 n) {
float total = 0.0, amplitude = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
total += noise(n) * amplitude;
n += n;
amplitude *= 0.5;
return total;
  • The main function which is the one called to get the pixel color
void main() {
vec2 p = vUV * 12.0;
vec4 c = mix(skyColor, cloudColor, fbm(p));
gl_FragColor = c;

Write the procedural texture

The procedural texture is a .ts file. It contains a class which has to inherit from the ProceduralTexture class.

To be sure that you have intelliSense and that the compilation phase works well you have to add a reference at the top of your babylon.cloudBisProceduralTexture.ts file :

/// <reference path="../../../dist/preview release/babylon.d.ts"/>

The main part of the magic for a procedural texture is happening in the shader file. The TypeScript file is mainly here to give its caller the ability to set values for uniforms and pass it to the shader itself. By convention we create a function named updateShaderUniforms() which will be called from the constructor and in every setters for each property.

Here is an example for the CloudBisProceduralTexture.

As you can see the setXXX function is used to send a specific value to the shader.

The shader is called by its name in the constructor using the super function.

module BABYLON {
export class CloudBisProceduralTexture extends ProceduralTexture {
private _skyColor = new Color4(0.15, 0.68, 1.0, 1.0);
private _cloudColor = new Color4(1, 1, 1, 1.0);
constructor(name: string, size: number, scene: Scene, fallbackTexture?: Texture, generateMipMaps?: boolean) {
super(name, size, "cloudProceduralTexture", scene, fallbackTexture, generateMipMaps);
this.refreshRate = 0;
public updateShaderUniforms() {
this.setColor4("skyColor", this._skyColor);
this.setColor4("cloudColor", this._cloudColor);
public get skyColor(): Color4 {
return this._skyColor;
public set skyColor(value: Color4) {
this._skyColor = value;
public get cloudColor(): Color4 {
return this._cloudColor;
public set cloudColor(value: Color4) {
this._cloudColor = value;

Update the test page

To test your material, open the /proceduralTextureLibrary/index.html page. References are added automatically.

Then add the procedural texture line 192:

var cloudBis = new BABYLON.CloudBisProceduralTexture("cloudPTBis", 256, scene);

Finally update the UI control:

gui.add(options, "texture", ["default", "fire", "wood", "cloud", "grass", "road", "brick", "marble", "starfield", "cloudBis"]).onFinishChange(function () {
switch (options.texture) {
case "fire":
currentTexture = firePT;
addPToptions(firePT, ["time", "alphaThreshold", "speed"]);
case "wood":
currentTexture = woodPT;
addPToptions(woodPT, ["ampScale", "woodColor"]);
case "cloud":
currentTexture = cloudPT;
addPToptions(cloudPT, ["skyColor", "cloudColor"]);
case "grass":
currentTexture = grassPT;
addPToptions(grassPT, ["groundColor"]);
case "road":
currentTexture = roadPT;
addPToptions(roadPT, ["roadColor"]);
case "brick":
currentTexture = brickPT;
addPToptions(brickPT, ["numberOfBricksHeight", "numberOfBricksWidth", "brickColor", "jointColor"]);
case "marble":
currentTexture = marblePT;
addPToptions(marblePT, ["numberOfTilesHeight", "numberOfTilesWidth", "amplitude", "jointColor"]);
case "starfield":
currentTexture = starfieldPT;
addPToptions(starfieldPT, ["saturation", "distfading", "darkmatter", "alpha", "time", "beta", "zoom", "formuparam", "stepsize", "tile", "brightness"]);
case "cloudBis":
currentTexture = cloudBis;
case "none":
currentTexture = diffuseTexture;
std.diffuseTexture = currentTexture;

(Optional) enable a graphical interface.

If your procedural texture contains properties that allows the dev to customize it, you can enable an interface to change them live in the sample.

To do that, you only have to add a call to the addPToptions helper function in your case

Your code will look like this :

case "cloudBis":
currentTexture = cloudBis;
addPToptions(cloudBis, ['skyColor', 'cloudColor']);

The first parameter is the texture object and the second one is an array containing the list of properties you want to make editable in the sample.

Launch the test server

To Launch the server, you can start from the tools/gulp folder:

gulp webserver